This school is devoted to the art of investing. We have multiple courses on multiple asset classes from stocks, to forex, to cryptocurrencies. If you want to learn how to invest or become a day trader then you have come to the right school.
Note that signing up for our school will add students to our Users list, but you will still need to enroll in specific courses and coaching products of your choice to access your content.
"This stuff should be taught in our public schools, why are our kids not being taught how to make money?
- Johnathan Felps
Learn how to invest in the stock market. Dividend investing, Day Trading, Stock Options, Chart Reading and more.
Invest long term with dividends for wealth. Use Stock options Trading for income.
Learning how to invest in currencies is easier than you might think. Learn about the different currencies , the charts, and how to place bids on lots.
You can also place bids on mini lots, for the new investor. We strongly recommend that you open a trading account that allows to to demo trade .....the best is think or swim from TD Ameritrade.
Learn how to invest in cryptos, about digital wallets, and the blockchain..
Where to buy crypto, mining, and storage.
Not only are cryptos a new investment class, they are also their own form of money.
Hi, Welcome to Survivalist Inc Investment University
This is the second school that is owned/operated by SurvivalistInc. The first school survivalist inc academy was devoted to the world of emergency and disaster preparedness.
This school however is devoted to the art of Investing and its many forms. We will eventually have additional courses on cleaning up ones credit and how to get out of debt as well.
When we bundle our courses those who have been with us before or who have ordered a course before in the past will be offered the bundle(whatever it is) at a substantially lowered rate as a way of saying thank you.
In addition to that anyone who as been with us three months or more or orders three courses or more qualifies to win a free course from us during our mid season give away.